Community Options, Inc. is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization that has been providing housing, employment, and self-determination opportunities for…
Y3K Tutor In Your Home is dedicated to providing individualized tutoring services to students of all ages and abilities. Our tutors specialize in providing supp…
Nevada Adult Day Healthcare Centers is a premier adult day care facility offering a structured program to support seniors and disabled adults in Eastern Nevada….
At Aspire Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Services in Albany, Georgia, we are dedicated to leading our communities towards health, hope and recover…
Allegany Arc is committed to providing exceptional opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our services include day programs,…
At Nystrom & Associates -Sartell/St. Cloud Clinic, our team of professional therapists, psychiatrists, addiction counselors, and more are dedicated to helping y…
New Hope Village is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides residential and vocational services to adults with disabilities. Our mission is to bring th…
Vistability (formerly Contra Costa ARC) is a pioneering organization that provides high quality, cost-effective services to over 1,000 children and adults with…
At Aurora Community Services Vocational in Menomonie, we’ve been helping individuals with developmental disabilities since 1998. Our day centers and other vocat…
RHA Health Services is a North Carolina-based provider of comprehensive services and supports for adults and children living with intellectual and developmental…
Chimes Delaware is a leading provider in Delaware of community services for adults with intellectual, autism, or co-occurring disabilities. As part of the Chime…
At Volunteers of America National Services, we are proud to be one of the nation’s most comprehensive and trusted human services organizations. Our senior livin…
At Access Services Bethlehem, we are committed to providing personalized services to individuals and families in need of support. Our mission is to empower and…
At The Arc of Iroquois County, we believe in empowering individuals and creating positive change in our community. Our members and volunteers work together to p…
Skills of Central PA, Inc. is located in Lewistown, PA, and is dedicated to helping adults and transition-age youth living with intellectual and developmental d…
At RISE Services, Inc., we specialize in providing staffing solutions for state, city and county offices through our work with individuals who have a variety of…
The Arc of Cumberland & Perry Counties (CPARC) is dedicated to providing individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and the c…
Merrick, Inc. has been providing day services to adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Ramsey County since 1964. Our mix of life enri…
At InReach | Union, we are committed to empowering individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to achieve full inclusion in their communities….