At ACES San Jose, we specialize in providing personalized therapeutic services for children. Our experienced staff is trained in a variety of therapeutic methodologies, allowing us to customize plans and strategies to best meet the individual needs of each child. Our proven methods have resulted in countless success stories, and we strive to provide the best services to ensure positive outcomes.
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At the moment, there are a total of 3911 therapy services for children and adolescents in California listed on our therapies search website. Out of these, 109 are located in San Jose and 7 are based in zip code 95112.
At ACES San Jose, we understand that it can be difficult to recognize when a child needs speech therapy. If your child is showing signs of difficulty with social communication, such as not responding to questions, difficulty changing conversation topics, or having trouble understanding body language, speech therapy may be beneficial. Speech therapy can help children build effective communication skills and promote independence, confidence, and overall growth. If you’re unsure if your child needs speech therapy, our guide covers everything you need to know. Visit us at ACES San Jose to learn more about how speech therapy can benefit your child.
At ACES San Jose, our speech therapists are dedicated to helping your child develop the skills they need to communicate effectively with others. We specialize in nonverbal skills, helping to form speech in a clearer way, and understanding and responding to questions. Additionally, our speech therapists can help with communicating thoughts and feelings, discerning facial expressions and their corresponding emotions, noticing and understanding body language, and feeding and swallowing. With our comprehensive approach to speech therapy, we strive to help your child reach their communication goals.
At ACES in San Jose, we provide Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy to help children and adults learn to improve communication, social, and daily living skills, while also addressing any problematic or challenging behaviors. Our ABA therapy services are focused on teaching helpful skills that promote independence and reduce harmful behaviors. We have a complete guide for those looking to learn more about ABA therapy. So, if you are curious about what ABA therapy is and how it can help, turn to ACES in San Jose for all the information you need.
At ACES San Jose, we understand that deciding whether applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the right choice for your child is a big decision for your family. ABA seeks to improve communication skills, introduce productive habits, and reduce harmful behaviors, but it’s important to be aware of providers who look to “cure” autism. Our team of experts provide high quality ABA therapy that focuses on helping people learn all that they can so they can live to their potential while embracing their unique, individual personality traits. If you’re considering ABA therapy for your child, check out our complete guide to starting and ending the process.
At ACES in San Jose, we understand how important it is for families to know how much ABA therapy costs. We are here to help. ABA is usually covered by insurance if you have an autism diagnosis, as it is typically the only diagnosis insurance will authorize for ABA services since its benefits have been researched extensively. Always check with your specific insurance plan to confirm that ABA is covered for your child’s diagnosis and that the provider you are seeking care at is in-network. To help you better understand the cost and process of ABA therapy, ACES has created a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about ABA therapy. Get the answers you need today and contact ACES in San Jose for more information.
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