At AKL Pediatric Therapy, we provide comprehensive occupational, physical, and speech therapy services for children with special needs in the Central and South Florida areas. Our highly experienced and knowledgeable team of therapists are committed to helping these children reach their highest potential and have the best quality of life possible. We strive to achieve this goal by investing in continuous professional training and education for our providers and caregivers. Additionally, we value the relationship we form with our clients and their families and are honored to be part of their journey. Our mission is to improve medical and therapy outcomes through training, education, and advocacy.
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According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 2295 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in Florida. This includes 1 company in zip code 33184, 210 in Miami, and 2075 throughout the state.
At AKL Pediatric Therapy in Miami, we understand the importance of early intervention for children with autism in order to develop language and communication skills. If you’re wondering whether your child needs speech therapy, it’s important to consider certain factors, such as difficulty with social communication, responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, changing conversation topics, and understanding other people’s body language. Speech therapy can help your child learn effective ways to communicate and become more confident and independent. If your child is very quiet, says only a few words, or doesn’t speak at all, it might be time to consider speech therapy. Visit our website to learn more about the guide to speech therapy and how AKL Pediatric Therapy in Miami can help your child.
At AKL Pediatric Therapy in Miami, we understand how important it is for your child to communicate effectively. Our experienced speech therapists can help your child with a variety of speech-related concerns, including nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, expressing thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions and their corresponding emotions, noticing and understanding body language, and feeding and swallowing. Our ultimate goal is to help your child thrive in all environments.
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