At Ascend Behavior Partners in Denver, we understand that an autism diagnosis can affect the whole family. That’s why we strive to provide a family-centered approach to care. Our Clinical Care Team, which includes Board-Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), licensed Child Psychologists, and family mental health specialists, is dedicated to helping your entire family learn, grow, and thrive. We believe in the importance of early intervention and support for everyone involved. With our team of experts, you can be sure that your family is in the best hands.
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According to our records, there are currently over 500 therapy providers offering services for children and adolescents throughout the state on our therapies search website. This includes a wide variety of services ranging from individual counseling to family and group therapy. Our search engine is updated regularly to ensure that only the highest quality of providers are listed, and we strive to help families find the best possible care for their children.
At Ascend Behavior Partners, located in Denver, we specialize in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. This therapy utilizes the science of learning and behavior to help individuals, from children to adults, learn and improve communication, social and daily living skills while addressing any problematic or challenging behaviors. ABA therapy’s primary goal is teaching helpful skills and promoting independence while reducing any harmful behaviors. To learn more about ABA therapy, visit our website and discover our complete guide to understanding this powerful therapy.
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