At Aurora Community Services Vocational, we strive to help individuals with developmental disabilities become an integral part of their communities. Since 1998, our innovative day centers, as well as our other vocational services, have been promoting the development of social and life skills, the identification of vocational opportunities, and the participation in community activities and events. Our flexible and individualized atmosphere is conducive to personal growth and development. We offer a full range of vocational services to help individuals identify their interests and pursue employment opportunities that they find personally satisfying. Additionally, we help employers fulfill unmet staffing needs while reducing their costs.
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We have a total of 327 therapy providers listed on our website for Wisconsin, with 2 of them located in Schofield and another 2 in zip code 54476. These providers offer a range of services for children and adolescents, including individual, family, group, and couples therapy. We strive to provide our users with comprehensive access to the best mental health resources available in the state.
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