At Autism & Anxiety Therapists, INC., we are a group practice located in Downtown Oak Park, IL that specializes in providing individualized therapy and support for children, adults, and families living with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Anxiety Disorders such as Generalized Anxiety. We strive to create a safe, confidential, and comfortable environment that allows our clients to feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings, as well as continuing to learn and grow. We provide individualized treatment plans and therapies that are tailored to each client’s needs, while also providing necessary resources and support to ensure the best possible outcomes. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and helping clients reach their goals.
Children to adults
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Our therapies search website currently lists 7 companies in zip code 60301, 20 in Oak Park, and 1297 throughout Illinois providing therapy services for children and adolescents.
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