At Autism Community Store, we are a parent-owned social enterprise that provides families, teachers, and therapists with hard-to-find products at reasonable prices. We offer an array of resources and host monthly events, as well as provide employment opportunities to people living with autism and their families. Our store carries over 1,500 products specifically curated to meet the needs of individuals with ASD, visual learners, and those with communication or sensory processing differences. From sensory solutions like weighted blankets, lap pads, compression vests, therapy swings, wiggle seats, and chewy tubes, to classroom solutions such as visual aids and visual timers, to products that solve common problems at home, Autism Community Store is the go-to source for affordable, therapist-tested, and kid-approved autism products. We strive to provide the things our community needs – all in one place!
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There are currently 7 companies that provide therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 80012, 85 in Aurora, and 1060 across the state of Colorado on our therapies search website.
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