At BrightStar Care Marina Del Rey, we provide quality Caregiver and CNA services to those who need personal care and in-home assistance. Our team of experienced and compassionate caregivers strive to improve the wellbeing of those in our care and our clients can count on us for outstanding care and other services, anytime and anywhere. We customize our services to the clients’ needs and can provide light housekeeping, meals, transportation, personal care, companionship and more. Our employees are fully bonded and insured, and our service philosophy is “Yes we can!” – we are here to make life easier for you and your loved ones. We can be reached 24/7 at 310-944-6985.
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According to our website, there are currently 3911 therapy service providers in California offering services to children and adolescents. Of those providers, 2 are located in the 90292 zip code of Marina Del Rey, with an additional 2 within the same city.
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