Camp Echoing Hills is a non-profit Christian camp located in the rolling hills of rural Coshocton County, Ohio, that serves adults and children with intellectual or developmental disabilities. We provide seven weeks of camp each summer, promoting a strong sense of community and investing in the lives of our campers. Our campers come from all over Ohio and beyond, and enjoy a wide range of fun activities and accessible facilities. By creating lasting memories, Camp Echoing Hills provides a unique opportunity for our campers to build relationships and experience life in a safe and encouraging environment.
7 years and above
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More details about providers
According to our therapies search website, there are currently 679 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in Ohio, with 1 in zip code 43844 and 9 in Warsaw. These companies offer a variety of therapeutic services, ranging from traditional counseling and psychotherapy to alternative therapies like art and music therapy. With such a large number of providers, families can be sure to find the perfect fit for their needs.
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