Camp Emanuel, founded in 1971 by Dr. Mel Emanuel, is a resident camp for children with and without disabilities. As the only camp of its kind in Southwestern Ohio, Camp Emanuel offers a unique opportunity for children with hearing/language/developmental disabilities to interact with children who are hearing in two summer programs that provide educational, arts & crafts, and recreational activities. Camp Emanuel is fully accredited and has served over 1700 children throughout its 30-year history. Our camp focuses on building decision-making skills, self-esteem, and understanding acceptance between all children. We strive to create a secure, loving, and trusting environment where every child can thrive.
9 to 17 years
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According to our therapies search website, there are currently 671 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in Ohio, with 1 located in Oregonia and the other 670 in zip code 45054. These services cover a wide variety of therapeutic needs and are tailored to meet the individual needs of each child or adolescent.
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