At Center For Stuttering Therapy, Denver we are proud to be Colorado’s leading stuttering therapy center. Mary Wallace and Patty Walton have been providing effective, personalized stuttering therapy for over 30 years, creating lasting positive changes in the speech and lives of those who stutter. Our inviting and comfortable space allows us to provide specialized treatment for children and adults alike. In addition, we also offer teletherapy services when appropriate. Come visit us and experience the Center For Stuttering Therapy, Denver difference today!
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According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 17 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Colorado. Of these, 1060 are located in Denver with zip codes 80222 and 223.
At The Center For Stuttering Therapy in Denver, we understand that it can be difficult to know if your child needs speech therapy. To help, we have compiled a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about speech therapy. Speech therapy is almost always recommended for autistic children since many people with autism have difficulty with social communication. Even if a child is very verbal and says a lot of words, they might need to work on communication skills such as responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, changing conversation topics, using gestures like pointing, and understanding other people’s body language. Speech therapy is a big focus in early intervention for autistic children and is usually the starting place for recently diagnosed kids. It is important to teach language and communication skills as early as possible, especially if there are any delays in that area. With the help of our experienced therapists, your child can learn effective ways to communicate, which can help them grow into more independent and confident individuals. If you notice that your child is struggling with speaking, such as being very quiet, saying only a few words, or not speaking at all, The Center For Stuttering Therapy in Denver can help.
At Center For Stuttering Therapy in Denver, we are dedicated to helping your child communicate effectively and confidently. Our speech therapy services can help with a variety of issues, such as nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, communicating thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions and their corresponding emotions, noticing and understanding body language, feeding and swallowing, and of course, stuttering. With our experienced team of speech therapists, we can help your child find the confidence to speak and express themselves clearly.
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