Cincinnati TOPSoccer is a soccer league dedicated to getting individuals with special needs off the sidelines and onto the field. We welcome any player age 4 and older with a physical or cognitive disability to join us in playing the game of soccer. Our coaches and volunteers provide the resources and support needed to ensure each player has the opportunity to experience the joy of sports, no matter their abilities. We adapt to meet the needs of each individual and celebrate their successes, both big and small. With our commitment to inclusion and celebration, Cincinnati TOPSoccer is the perfect place for special needs players to join the soccer community.
4 years and above
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There are currently 9 companies offering therapy services for children and adolescents in the zip code 45040 area of Mason, Ohio. On our therapies search website, we have 669 businesses providing these services throughout the entire state of Ohio. All of these companies are committed to providing the highest quality therapy services to children and adolescents in need.
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