At Claudia Lowe JD SENC, we provide private training and consultation to parents and their support persons to prepare them for upcoming IEP, 504, SST, SARB, Transition, or other school meetings. Our services are tailored to each client’s needs and disability, and utilize advanced advocacy techniques, skills, and protocols such as interest-based technical assistance, conflict mediation, and the individual needs assessment protocol (INAP). We aim to provide our clients with the resources and knowledge they need to become effective advocates for their children, and ensure the best outcome for their academic, social, and behavioral development. Our mission is to help families master the advocacy process for special education and Section 504, and to teach them how to communicate the right thing to the right person at the right time and place.
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According to our data, there are currently over 800 companies in this state that provide therapy services for children and adolescents, ranging from behavioral health, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and more. Our therapies search website helps families easily locate the best care providers for their needs, giving them access to a wealth of resources and qualified professionals.
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