At Community Support Advocates (CSA), we are dedicated to providing support services to over 1,900 Central Iowans with disabilities. Our team of committed professionals works in partnership with the individuals we serve to promote growth and resilience. We specialize in supporting those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, brain injury, mental illness, and substance use. Through our comprehensive services, we strive to foster independence and empowerment for those we serve.
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More details about providers
In the state of Iowa, there are an impressive total of 380 therapy providers available on our therapies search website. Of these, 11 are located within zip code 50322, 12 are based in Urbandale, and the remaining 357 are spread throughout the rest of the state. These companies provide services for both children and adolescents, including therapy, counseling, and mental health support. With such a wide variety of options, Iowa is well-equipped to provide quality care to those in need.
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