At Cortica | Marin, we specialize in diagnosing, treating, and managing autism, ADHD, developmental delays, and the full spectrum of developmental differences. Our experienced team of doctors utilizes personalized ABA, medical, and developmental therapies to empower children and their families. Our collaborative approach and integrated services ensure that your loved one receives the highest-quality care in one convenient location. With decades of experience, we are committed to helping children reach their full potential.
From birth to age 21.
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According to our therapy search website, there are 7 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 94903, 19 in San Rafael, and 3911 throughout California.
At Cortica & Marin, we understand the importance of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. ABA is a form of therapy rooted in the science of learning and behavior, and can help both children and adults learn to improve their communication, social, and daily living skills. Our experts can provide guidance and support to help you achieve your goals and reduce harmful behaviors. Visit our website to learn more about ABA therapy and how we can help you.
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