At Creative Supports, we are a brokerage located in Southern Oregon that specializes in providing disability services to individuals who experience intellectual or developmental disabilities. We are proudly located in both Jackson and Josephine Counties and are committed to providing quality support and services to our community. Our knowledgeable staff are dedicated to helping individuals access the disability services that best suit their individual needs and desires. We strive to provide the best possible support for our clients and the community at large. We believe in creating a supportive environment that encourages individuals to reach their goals. Creative Supports is committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all individuals with disabilities.
18 years and above
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According to our website, there are 6 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 94526, 30 in Danville, and 3911 throughout the state of California.
At Creative Supports, we understand the importance of early intervention for autistic children and the impact that speech therapy can have in supporting their language development. We’ve created a comprehensive guide to help you determine if your child needs speech therapy and how it can benefit them. Our guide covers topics like responding to questions, changing conversation topics, understanding other people’s body language, and more. By utilizing speech therapy, your child can learn effective ways to communicate and grow into a more independent and confident individual. If you’re unsure if your child needs speech therapy, consult our guide for all the information you need. Creative Supports is here to help you and your child in Josephine County.
At Creative Supports in Josephine County, we specialize in helping children with speech therapy. Our experienced team of professionals are dedicated to helping your child communicate more effectively and reach their fullest potential. Our speech therapy services include helping children with nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, communicating thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions and their corresponding emotions, noticing and understanding body language, and even feeding and swallowing. We understand the importance of effective communication, and we strive to help your child overcome any obstacles they may face. With our help, your child will be able to communicate and interact with others in all environments.
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