Crimson Counseling LLC is dedicated to helping teens and adults with social, communication, and executive functioning challenges move closer to independence. Our specialized services provide assistance to individuals with autism, traumatic brain injury, ADHD, oppositional defiance, conduct issues, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. We are committed to providing personalized and tailored care to ensure the best outcomes for our clients. Through our compassionate, experienced professionals, we strive to provide the highest quality of care, including personalized treatment plans, family support, and evidence-based interventions. Our goal is to empower individuals to reach their full potential and live happier, healthier lives.
Adolescents to adults
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There are currently 215 companies in Utah that provide therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapies search website. This includes 5 companies within zip code 84770, 10 in Saint George, and 200 throughout the state.
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