At Disability Action Center NW – Lewiston (DAC) we are dedicated to empowering people with disabilities. Our board of directors works tirelessly to create an inclusive and accessible environment. With the collective power of our members, we provide independent living services that promote attitudes, policies, and environments of equality and freedom. We believe in the right of all individuals to take charge of their lives and live to their fullest potential. Our mission is to be a beacon of hope and empower those in our community with disabilities. We strive to foster an environment of understanding and respect, allowing those with disabilities to realize their dreams.
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In the state of Idaho, there are 5 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 83501, 9 in Lewiston, and an astonishing 221 across the state listed on our therapies search website. This is an incredible number of therapy providers, demonstrating the availability and accessibility of mental health resources for children and adolescents in Idaho.
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