Disability Rights IOWA is a non-profit organization dedicated to defending and promoting the human and legal rights of Iowans who have disabilities and mental illness. Our mission is to ensure safety, opportunity, access, and self-determination for all Iowans. We achieve this through a program of self-advocacy education, information, and referral; non-legal advocacy; and legal and systems advocacy. Established in 1984, we are part of a larger network of protection advocacy agencies across the U.S. and have been working to protect and advocate for the rights of Iowans with disabilities and mental illness for over 35 years.
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According to our data, there are currently 11 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 50309, 25 in Des Moines, and 357 throughout Iowa on our therapies search website. This is a great resource to help parents and young people find the best therapy services available in their area.
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