Dodge County Human Services & Health Department is a comprehensive resource center located at 199 County Road DF in the Henry Dodge Office Building. Our entrance is on the east side facing the Wild Goose Trail and provides programs such as Adult Protective Services (APS) and Long Term Support (LTS), Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) with senior dining and transportation services, Child Protective Services (CPS), Juvenile Justice and Services for Children with Disabilities (Child and Adolescent Services), Mental Health and Addictions Treatment (Clinical Services), Economic Support Services including Food Share, Medicaid/Badger Care and Child Care Support, as well as a WIC Clinic (Women, Infants, and Children). We are proud to serve the Dodge County community and offer a range of services to help those in need.
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More details about providers
According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 22 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents across this state. Specifically, 1 company is located in zip code 9512, 3 in Fpo, and 18 in AE. As such, these companies represent a wide range of services and provide a valuable resource for those seeking therapeutic treatments for their children or adolescents.
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