Dr. Stephen R. Mandler is the Chief Medical Officer at Orchard Place, an Iowa-based mental health organization providing a wide range of services to children and young adults from birth to age 22. He is a board-certified Child and Adolescent psychiatrist who completed residency and fellowship training at the Menninger Clinic, part of the Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Mandler is a highly experienced professional with expertise in the treatment of infants, children, and their families. He has served as Regional Medical Officer Psychiatrist for the US Department of State’s Foreign Service, and as Chief Medical Officer of the Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch in Billings, Montana. Additionally, he has held faculty roles at Oregon Health and Sciences University and Portland State University’s Graduate Program of Infant/Toddler Mental Health.
Children to adolescents
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In the state of Iowa, our search website has identified a total of 386 therapy service providers for children and adolescents. Specifically, 4 providers are located in the zip code of 50312, 25 in Des Moines, and the remaining 357 are spread throughout the state.
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