Early ACCESS (IDEA, Part C) is a non-profit organization that works with the Iowa Department of Education to annually serve thousands of Iowans in need of health care and human services. Our mission is to provide compassionate and supportive guidance to help Iowans during life’s most challenging moments. Our team of community-based health care professionals are committed to helping individuals with specialized and personalized services to ensure they are receiving the best care possible. With Early ACCESS (IDEA, Part C), Iowans can rest assured that they will be supported and guided through their most difficult times.
Infants to toddlers
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We currently have a total of 386 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Iowa according to our therapies search website. Specifically, this includes 4 companies in zip code 50319, 25 in Des Moines, and 357 across the state.
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