Easter Seals Connecticut, Coastal Fairfield County is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing innovative, family-centered services for children and families in need. We offer a wide range of services, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and parent training, speech and psychiatric evaluations, speech therapy, behavioral assessments, and school consultations. Our mission is to ensure that all individuals have equal access to opportunities and resources to enhance their quality of life. We strive to empower families to live life to its fullest and to strengthen the community we serve.
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According to our records, there are currently over 700 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapies search website in this state. This includes a diverse range of services, from play therapy and neuropsychological testing to family counseling and behavior modification. With such a wide range of options, families can easily find the right therapy for their child’s needs.
At Easter Seals Connecticut, Coastal Fairfield County, we understand how important speech therapy is for autistic children. We want to help you determine if your child needs speech therapy and provide the support you need for your child’s development. Our complete guide to speech therapy can help you recognize signs that your child might need help in the areas of social communication, responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, using gestures, and understanding body language. Early intervention and speech therapy are critical in the development of language and communication skills and can help your child become more independent and confident. Visit our website to learn more about speech therapy and how Easter Seals Connecticut, Coastal Fairfield County can help your child’s development.
At Easter Seals Connecticut, Coastal Fairfield County, our speech therapists are dedicated to helping your child communicate effectively. We specialize in supporting the development of nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions, understanding body language, and improving feeding and swallowing. We also specialize in helping those who stutter. Our goal is to provide comprehensive and compassionate speech therapy services to empower your child to communicate confidently in all environments.
At Easter Seals Connecticut Coastal Fairfield County, we understand the importance of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children and adults. Our ABA therapy program is designed to help improve communication, social, and daily living skills, as well as reduce undesired behaviors. We provide comprehensive ABA services that emphasize independence and self-sufficiency through evidence-based practices. Discover more about the benefits of ABA therapy and how it can help you or your loved one by reading our guide.
At Easter Seals Connecticut Coastal Fairfield County, we understand the complexity of the decision to pursue ABA therapy for your child. Our goal is to provide support and guidance in helping you determine if ABA is right for your family. Our ABA services are focused on helping your child increase communication skills, create productive habits and reduce harmful behaviors. We also provide a comprehensive guide to help you start and end ABA therapy. We believe that ABA should be used to help individuals reach their full potential and embrace their unique personalities, not to “cure” or “fix” their autism. Easter Seals Connecticut Coastal Fairfield County is here to help you make the best decision for your family.
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