Floortime Atlanta is a collective of eight DIR clinicians providing services in the Atlanta area. We are Expert Training Leaders certified by the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders (ICDL). Our practice is not a clinic or a business, but a group of independent practitioners who are dedicated to the DIR/Floortime Model. With our collective expertise and a commitment to excellence, Floortime Atlanta is the go-to for quality DIR/Floortime care in Atlanta.
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According to our therapyservices.com search, there are currently 20 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the 30329 zip code, 235 in the city of Atlanta, and 1222 throughout the state of Georgia.
Floortime Atlanta can help you determine if your child needs speech therapy. Our experienced and knowledgeable team can evaluate your child and provide guidance on the best possible intervention. We specialize in Floortime, a method of early intervention that focuses on developing relationships, communication, and language skills through play. We understand that there is a critical period in brain development for language and communication, so it is important to get started with speech therapy as soon as possible. Our team can help you and your child learn effective ways to communicate and develop relationships, all while having fun! Contact Floortime Atlanta today to discuss how speech therapy can help your child.
At Floortime Atlanta, we believe that speech therapy can help your child in many ways. Our experienced speech therapists work closely with families to develop personalized plans that can help improve your child’s verbal and non-verbal communication skills. We are dedicated to helping your child use gestures, signs, verbal speech, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to interact with others. Our speech therapy services can also help your child form speech in a clearer way, communicate thoughts and feelings, understand and respond to questions, discern facial expressions and body language, and control stuttering. We strive to help your child communicate effectively and confidently in all environments.
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