At Gateway Pediatric Therapy, we are Michigan’s premier center for ABA therapy and the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. We offer 55,000 square feet of custom-designed, first-class treatment spaces at six locations across Metro Detroit, Lansing, and private, home-based care services. Our team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts and ABA technicians are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of compassion, respect, and quality of care. At Gateway, we consider you and your child to be part of our family.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 2 companies offering therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 48236, 5 in Grosse Pointe, and 644 across Michigan. This demonstrates the vast number of support services available in the state to assist children and adolescents experiencing mental health issues.
At Gateway Pediatric Therapy, Gross Pointe, we understand how important it is to recognize if your child needs speech therapy. Many autistic children require speech therapy to help with social communication and it is usually the starting point for recently diagnosed kids. Our complete guide will give you everything you need to know about speech therapy, including how to identify if your child needs it. Signs that your child may need help with language development include difficulty responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, changing topics, understanding body language, and more. With our speech therapy services, your child will learn effective ways to communicate and grow into a more independent and confident individual. Visit our website to learn more about our speech therapy services and contact us today to get started.
At Gateway Pediatric Therapy, we understand the importance of effective communication. We provide personalized speech therapy to help children reach their communication goals. Our experienced speech therapists can assist with nonverbal skills, forming speech clearly, expressing thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions, understanding body language, feeding and swallowing, and stuttering. We are here to help your child reach their communication milestones in the Gross Pointe area.
At Gateway Pediatric Therapy in Gross Pointe, we specialize in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. ABA is a science-based approach to improving communication, social skills, and daily living skills, and reducing challenging behaviors. Our certified ABA therapists help children and adults reach their goals of increased independence and self-improvement. Learn more about ABA and what it can do for you with our comprehensive guide.
At Gateway Pediatric Therapy, we understand that ABA therapy can be a costly service. That’s why we want to ensure that parents are aware of the potential coverage options available to them. ABA therapy is typically covered by insurance if the child has an autism diagnosis. However, it is important to check with your specific insurance plan to make sure ABA is covered for your child’s diagnosis and that the provider you seek care at is in-network. We have compiled a comprehensive guide to ABA therapy that can help you understand the costs and coverage options associated with this type of therapy. Visit Gateway Pediatric Therapy in Gross Pointe today to learn more about ABA therapy and what it can do for your family.
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