Genesee Lake School is an employee-owned educational institution providing specialized treatment for students from ages 7 to 21 who have been diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disability (ID). Our school offers comprehensive and individualized treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each student, addressing both primary and coexisting diagnoses, such as those related to mental health. We are committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive and quality care to our students and their families.
7 to 21 years
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The Therapy Directory is proud to provide the most comprehensive search for therapy services for children and adolescents in Wisconsin. We currently list 323 companies providing therapy services throughout the state, with 3 companies in Oconomowoc and 3 in zip code 53066. With our database of qualified professionals, we strive to make finding the right therapy services as easy and as accessible as possible.
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