Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley is the premier provider for adults with special needs and developmental disabilities in the Centerville area. Our goal is to provide a safe, caring, and home-away-from-home environment that respects the preferences, choices, abilities, and culture of all individuals. We offer a variety of flexible programs, such as Door-To-Door Transportation, Personal Care Service, and Community-Focused Activities, to promote personal growth through community interactions and activities. Our person-centered approach helps build individualized programs to meet the preferences and needs of each person.
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In Ohio, we have 669 therapy providers listed on our website, with two of those in zip code 45458 and 69 located in Dayton. These providers offer a variety of services to children and adolescents, ranging from mental health counseling, family therapy, and play therapy to physical therapy, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy. Our website provides an easy way to search for a therapist near you, helping you to find the best fit for your child’s individual needs.
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