Growing Places Therapy Services, PLLC is a pediatric therapy practice dedicated to helping children from 0-21 years reach their full potential in Austin and the surrounding areas. We specialize in physical, occupational and speech therapies and create customized treatment plans to fit the unique needs of each child and family. Our therapists are hand-selected for their talents and excel at making the hard work of therapy seem like play. We emphasize goals of independence and functionality, and our mission is to help your child grow in the most meaningful and effective way possible.
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According to our website, there are 2484 therapy services for children and adolescents located in Texas, with 309 in Austin and 11 in zip code 73301.
If you’re wondering if your child needs speech therapy, Growing Places Therapy Services, P.L.L.C. can help. Speech therapy is often recommended for children with autism due to difficulties with social communication, and it is a common focus of early intervention for autistic children. Speech therapy can help your child learn effective communication skills and can provide them with the confidence and independence to grow. Signs that your child might need speech therapy include being very quiet, saying only a few words, or not speaking at all. Growing Places Therapy Services, P.L.L.C. has a guide to answer any questions you might have about speech therapy and can provide your child with the help they need to reach their communication goals.
At Growing Places Therapy Services, P.L.L.C., we understand that speech therapy can help your child communicate more effectively. Our speech therapists are highly trained to help with a variety of communication-related issues, including nonverbal skills, forming speech, communicating thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions, noticing and understanding body language, and feeding and swallowing. Our goal is to give your child the tools they need to communicate in all environments.
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