The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Infant Toddler Program in Sandpoint, Ponderay is dedicated to providing comprehensive support for infants and toddlers and their families. Our services are designed to promote physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development and are available at no cost to families in Idaho. We accept private insurance, Medicaid, and federal and state funds to cover our services. You can apply for our services on your own, or your health care provider may make a referral. Our team is here to help you and your little ones thrive.
0 to 3 years
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According to our search website, there are currently 223 therapy services for children and adolescents provided by companies in Idaho. Among these, 1 is located in Ponderay, ID with a zip code of 83852 and the remaining 222 are spread throughout the state.
At the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Infant Toddler Program in Sandpoint, Ponderay Office, our speech therapists are dedicated to helping your child develop their communication skills. We focus on building nonverbal skills, helping to form clear speech, and increasing your child’s understanding of facial expressions, body language, and more. Our speech therapists also specialize in helping with stuttering, feeding, and swallowing difficulties. Our goal is to provide your child with the tools to effectively communicate with others in all environments.
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