Janneta K. Bohlander & Associates, LLC provide marriage and family therapy services for over 10 years. We specialize in working with children and adults dealing with generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), school and social anxiety, attention and learning difficulties, such as Non Verbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) and Aspergers syndrome. We also offer therapy for adult clients with issues related to anxiety, depression, relationships, and adoption. Our team has special expertise in international and multi-cultural adoptions, as Janneta is the mother of two girls born in China and has completed the post-graduate Certificate Program in Adoption at Rutgers University.
Children to adults
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There are a total of 548 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the state of Connecticut, with 16 of those located in zip code 6851, 30 in Norwalk, and 502 across the state. All of these services can be found on our therapies search website.
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