Kathleen Kostner-Rass, Occupational Therapist in Wausau, WI is a specialist in providing holistic treatment for injured, ill, or disabled patients. With expertise in occupational therapy, she performs rehabilitation for patients with mental, emotional, and physical disabilities, tailoring treatment plans and activities to help them develop, recover, improve, and maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. As an Occupational Therapist, Ms. Kostner-Rass is devoted to helping her patients reach the best possible outcome.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 329 therapy services for children and adolescents available in Wisconsin. Specifically, 2 of these services are located in zip code 54401, while 4 are located in Wausau. These services provide crucial support for children and adolescents and are a vital resource for families in the state.
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