Marilyn A Rand MA is an experienced Licensed Speech Pathologist with over 20 years of practice in Massachusetts. She has experience in both private and public school settings as well as private practice. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Boston University and a Master’s Degree from Hofstra University. Marilyn Rand, M.A., CCC-SLP is committed to providing quality speech therapy services to those in need in the great state of Massachusetts.
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According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 3 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 1776, 3 in Sudbury, and 1038 across the entire state of Massachusetts.
At Marilyn A Rand, MA, we understand that it can be confusing to know if your child needs speech therapy or not. Our guide to speech therapy can help you understand the signs that may indicate a need for therapy, such as difficulty responding to questions, starting or ending conversations, changing conversation topics, using gestures, and understanding other people’s body language. We know that teaching language and communication skills early is especially important for autistic children since many of them have difficulty with social communication. Our guide can provide you with the knowledge and tools to help your child grow into a more independent and confident individual.
At Marilyn A Rand, MA, our speech therapists are here to help you and your child communicate effectively with peers and family members. Our speech therapists can provide support for nonverbal skills, such as signs and gestures, and can help with forming speech in a clearer way. We also specialize in helping with understanding facial expressions and their corresponding emotions, as well as comprehending and responding to questions. Our therapists can also provide guidance in feeding and swallowing, and can assist with stuttering. With our help, your child can learn to communicate in all environments with confidence.
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