Dr. Nancy O’Hara is a board-certified Pediatrician and leader in the training of clinicians. She has dedicated her practice to the integrative and holistic care of children with neurodevelopment disorders, ADHD, PANDAS/PANS, OCD, Lyme and Autistic Spectrum Disorder since 1999. Prior to her medical career, Dr. O’Hara taught children with autism. She graduated with highest honors from Bryn Mawr College and as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society from the University of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine. She earned a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Pittsburgh and completed her residency, chief residency and general pediatric fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Nancy O’Hara has extensive experience providing care and support to children with special needs and is committed to making a difference in the lives of her patients.
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According to our therapies search website, there are 502 companies in the state of Connecticut that provide therapy services for children and adolescents. Of those, 8 are located in Wilton, with another 8 having a zip code of 6897.
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