Northern Hills Training Center (NHTC) is committed to providing individuals with developmental disabilities in the Northern Black Hills area of South Dakota the least restrictive environment possible. NHTC works to build social capital for people with disabilities, their families, volunteers, and employees. We strive to ensure that our services enable these individuals to lead meaningful, productive, and connected lives in their community. With an emphasis on community life, we hope to foster a sense of support and belonging for all individuals in the Northern Black Hills area.
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More details about providers
According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 30 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in South Dakota. Specifically, there is 1 company in zip code 57783 and 1 in Spearfish, while the remaining 28 are scattered throughout the entire state. With such a wide range of options, families can easily find the right provider to meet their needs.
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