Pacific Child and Family Associates is a leading provider of family-oriented services in Los Angeles and beyond. We have offices throughout California, Texas, Minnesota and New Mexico, and through our partnership with Autism Services North, we can provide services in over 24 other States. Through our remote services division, we offer services worldwide. Additionally, our affiliation with Children’s Learning Connection allows us to provide speech and language, occupational, physical and behavior therapy in Orange County, California. Our core values include family involvement, collaboration with other professionals, recruiting and retaining qualified staff, and providing the highest level of ongoing education and training. If you have any questions or inquiries about our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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According to our search website, there are 7 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 91203, 63 in Glendale, and 3911 throughout the entire state of California.
At Pacific Child and Family Associates in Los Angeles, we specialize in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. ABA is a science-based therapy that has been proven to help individuals learn useful skills, reduce harmful behaviors, and gain greater independence. Our team provides comprehensive ABA therapy services to help you or your loved one reach their fullest potential. With our expertise and guidance, you can learn more about ABA therapy, its principles, and how it can benefit you or your family. Discover our comprehensive guide to ABA therapy and contact us today to get started.
At Pacific Child and Family Associates, we understand how difficult it can be to make the right decision for your family. That’s why we provide the latest information about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy to help you make an informed decision. Our guide will provide an overview of ABA and its potential benefits, such as improved communication skills, the introduction of productive habits, and the reduction of harmful behaviors. We also caution against providers who offer ABA therapy for the purpose of “curing” autism, as this is not the goal of ABA therapy. Instead, the goal is to help people develop and reach their full potential while embracing their individual personality traits. If you’re considering ABA therapy, trust Pacific Child and Family Associates in Los Angeles, CA to provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for your family.
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