Parent to Child and Therapy Associates is a private clinical practice committed to providing creative arts therapies and speech and language therapy services to adults, children, families, and teens. We specialize in facilitating effective communication within individuals and their relationships, focusing on functional speech and language as well as deeper understanding of behaviors, feelings, and interpersonal relationships. Our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to helping our clients reach their goals and create meaningful bonds with those around them.
Children to adults
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Our therapies search website currently shows that there are 3 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the 19146 zip code, 90 in the city of Philadelphia, and 903 throughout the state of PA.
At Parent to Child and Therapy Associates, we understand how important it is to know if your child needs speech therapy. Signs of needing speech therapy can range from difficulty with social communication, to not responding to questions, to difficulty switching conversation topics. Early intervention is key in teaching language and communication, and Parent to Child and Therapy Associates has the resources and expertise to help. Our guide provides everything you need to know about speech therapy and how it can help your child become more independent and confident. Visit us today to learn more and find out if your child needs speech therapy.
At Parent to Child and Therapy Associates, we understand that communication is key to success. Our team of professionals can help your child express themselves through a variety of methods, such as gestures, signs, verbal speech, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). We specialize in helping children with nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, communicating their thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions, noticing and understanding body language, and feeding and swallowing. Our speech therapy services can help your child become successful in communicating with others while also helping them gain confidence in themselves.
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