Pathfinder Inc Inc Batesville is a private, non-profit organization providing an array of services to disabled citizens of Arkansas. Our mission is to empower our participants to become self-supporting and productive members of society. We provide integrated preschool settings, special education, habilitation, speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, transportation, supervised living, apartment living, Intermediate Care Facilities, and Rental Assistance Vouchers. Additionally, we offer evaluation, vocational training, professional counseling, work opportunities, habilitation training, protective and socio-legal services. By providing these essential services, we strive to ensure that our participants have the skills and resources necessary to thrive in their communities.
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According to our therapies search website, there are currently 6 companies in the zip code 72501, 6 in Batesville, and 191 throughout the state of Arkansas that offer therapy services for children and adolescents. This is indicative of a rapidly growing industry, with these figures representing a substantial increase in the availability of therapeutic services to those in need.
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