The Pennsylvania Health Law Project (PHLP) is a legal aid organization that has been devoted to protecting and advancing health care rights in Pennsylvania for over 25 years. We provide counseling and representation to individuals across the state to help them get and maintain access to health care coverage and services. Our work doesn’t stop there, as we also advocate for policy changes that benefit citizens of the state and engage in community education that empowers healthcare consumers, providers and other advocates. Our commitment to helping Pennsylvanians access quality health care is unwavering and we strive to ensure everyone is given the care they need.
Children to adults
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In Pittsburgh, PA, there are 63 therapy service providers for children and adolescents listed on our therapies search website, with 7 of those companies located in 15203 zip code alone. Across the entire state of PA, 903 companies are listed as providing therapy services for children and adolescents.
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