Welcome to Rachel Oppenheimer, PsyD. Dr. Rachel Oppenheimer is a Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Specialist in School Psychology with the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (#36445; expires 04/2023; #70292; expires 04/2023). She founded Upside Therapy Evaluation Center in 2016 with the help of her late husband, Gil, after having been in private practice since 2013. Dr. Oppenheimer completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities at Children’s Medical Center/ UT Southwestern, and earned her doctorate at Florida Institute of Technology after completing an internship at Lewisville Independent School District. After the sudden passing of her husband in July 2021, Dr. Oppenheimer has stepped away from clinical practice, though she continues to offer consultation support to the highly qualified, empathic, and collaborative team at Upside Therapy Evaluation Center.
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