At Sound Speech and Hearing Clinic, we specialize in providing comprehensive speech and hearing services to children and adults in San Francisco. Our private practice specializes in speech therapy, language therapy, and audiology services all under one roof. Our team of experienced professionals are committed to delivering the highest quality of care and delivering positive results for our patients. We strive to provide an individualized, compassionate approach that focuses on the person rather than just the problem. We believe in giving our patients the tools for a successful journey to better communication and hearing.
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Our therapies search website has identified a total of 3911 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents across the state of California. Of these, 11 are located in zip code 94103 of San Francisco, while a further 128 can be found in the city itself. With such a wide range of options available, families can be sure to find a therapy service that best suits their children’s needs.
At Sound Speech and Hearing Clinic, we understand the importance of early intervention when it comes to language and communication skills for autistic children. If you’re wondering if your child needs speech therapy, here are some signs to look out for: responding to questions, starting or ending conversation, changing conversation topics, using gestures like pointing, and understanding other people’s body language. Our team of experienced professionals can provide you with the guidance and resources you need to help your child acquire the communication skills they need to reach their full potential. Visit our website for our comprehensive guide to speech therapy for children with autism.
At Sound Speech and Hearing Clinic, we understand the importance of effective communication, and our speech therapists are highly trained to help your child achieve this goal. With our expertise, we can help your child improve nonverbal skills, form speech more clearly, communicate thoughts and feelings, understand and respond to questions, discern facial expressions, understand body language, and even improve feeding and swallowing. Stuttering can also be addressed in speech therapy. Our goal is to empower your child to communicate effectively in all environments.
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