At Southlake Autism & Behavior Services, we offer intensive and focused treatments to individuals with behavioral, developmental, educational, and emotional needs. Our team applies Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to assess and customize individual care plans to meet the unique needs of your child. We specialize in treating a wide range of diagnoses, including Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), ADHD, learning challenges, ODD, and providing services to build social skills, parenting skills, teaching, and classroom management skills.
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In the state of Florida, there are a total of 2075 companies currently offering therapy services for children and adolescents on our therapies search website. This includes 16 companies in the zip code 34711 in Clermont and 16 companies in the surrounding areas.
At Southlake Autism and Behavior Services, we understand the importance of speech therapy for children with autism. Our team of experts are dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance to help your child develop effective communication skills. Through our comprehensive approach, we assess your child’s needs and create a treatment plan tailored to their individual needs. We offer individual and group speech therapy, as well as parent training, to ensure your child is receiving the best care possible. Our goal is to support your child in reaching their communication potential and help them thrive in their daily life. Contact us today to learn more about our speech therapy services.
At Southlake Autism and Behavior Services, we understand how important it is for your child to have the skills to effectively communicate with the world around them. Our team of specialists can help your child with the skills and techniques needed to improve their communication, including nonverbal skills, forming speech in a clearer way, communicating thoughts and feelings clearly, understanding and responding to questions, discerning facial expressions, noticing and understanding body language, feeding and swallowing, and even stuttering. Our speech therapy services are tailored to best meet the individual needs of your child and help them to communicate in all environments.
At Southlake Autism and Behavior Services, we specialize in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. ABA is rooted in the science of learning and behavior and can help children and adults improve their communication skills, social skills, and daily living skills while also addressing problematic behaviors. Our goal is to teach helpful skills that promote independence and reduce harmful behaviors. Learn more about ABA therapy with our comprehensive guide.
At Southlake Autism and Behavior Services, we understand the complexities of making the right decision for your child. We provide comprehensive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services that focus on helping children build communication skills, develop positive behaviors, and reduce harmful ones. We strive to create an environment where children can learn and reach their potential without having to change who they are. Additionally, we provide guidance on how to start and end ABA therapy that is tailored to your family’s needs. If you are considering ABA therapy for your child, our team of experts is here to answer any questions and provide you with the support you need.
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