At Special Strong Alvin, we believe in providing science-based, adaptive and inclusive fitness programs for children, adolescents, and adults with mental, physical and cognitive challenges. Our mission is to create accessible opportunities for individuals to improve their overall health and wellness, while also fostering a sense of community. Through our unique and personalized approach, we strive to promote healthy lifestyles and positive self-image, while offering individualized programs tailored to each and every participant. We believe in providing support, guidance, and encouragement, with the ultimate goal of helping individuals reach their highest potential. At Special Strong Alvin, we strive to make a difference in the lives of everyone we serve.
8 years and above
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According to our therapies search website, there are a total of 2486 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in Texas. This includes 1 company in Alvin, Texas with zip code 77511, and 2485 other companies throughout the state.
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