At the YMHA of Washington Heights, Sunday Funday provides a recreational program for children ages 5-16 with ASD. We strive to enhance their socialization skills through an array of activities, including sports and gym, rockwall, yoga, fitness and movement, music, arts and crafts, cooking baking, Lego Club, and social and life skills. We provide a safe environment for children to learn, grow and gain confidence in their abilities in an atmosphere that is both fun and stimulating. Our program runs on Sunday mornings from 9am – 1pm throughout the academic year, with priority registration given to residents of Upper Manhattan. Join us for Sunday Funday and give your child the opportunity to explore the world around them and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Children to adults
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According to our therapies search website, there are 4 companies in zip code 10040, 292 in New York State, and 1621 in New York offering therapy services for children and adolescents.
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