At the Therapeutic School and Preschool, we are accredited by The New Jersey State Department of Education and specialize in providing a psychotherapeutic education to children ages 3-21, who have been classified as preschool disabled, multiply disabled, behaviorally disabled, or with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Our life skills and transition to work program is designed to help children with special needs who are unable to attend a regular preschool or public school, by providing early intervention therapy to help them reach their optimal potential. Located in Franklin, we are committed to helping every child achieve success.
Preschool to Highschool & 18 to 21 years
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According to our therapies search website, there are 745 companies in the state of New Jersey that provide therapy services for children and adolescents, with 1 in zip code 7109, 6 in Belleville, and 738 throughout the rest of the state.
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