At Thrive Speech Pathology, we are dedicated to providing quality, family-centered speech and language therapy services to families in Chapel Hill and Durham. Our goal is to make therapy enjoyable and impactful for the child and their family. We strive to create a positive, supportive atmosphere that encourages progress and celebrates successes. Our experienced speech-language pathologists specialize in a range of speech and language disorders, including articulation disorders, expressive/receptive language disorders, fluency/stuttering, and feeding/swallowing difficulties. We are passionate about helping children reach their fullest potential and are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for clients and families. Contact us today to learn more about how Thrive Speech Pathology can help your family!
0 to 21 years
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According to our therapies search website, there are currently 5 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in zip code 27514, 13 in Chapel Hill, and 691 throughout North Carolina.
At Thrive Speech Pathology, we understand the importance of effective communication. Our team of speech therapists can help your child develop and refine their verbal and nonverbal communication skills. From forming speech clearly to discerning facial expressions and body language, our speech therapists are dedicated to helping your child thrive. With our comprehensive approach, we can assist with stuttering, feeding, and swallowing as well as help your child understand and respond to questions. We’re committed to helping your child reach their communication goals.
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