At YAI Astoria Queens, we are dedicated to providing children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) comprehensive services. We strive to create opportunities for individuals to live, love, work, and learn in their communities, and work to see beyond their disability. With a wide range of programs and services, YAI and its network of affiliate agencies are here to support individuals with I/DD and their families.
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According to our therapeutic search website, there are 8 companies providing therapy services for children and adolescents in the zip code 11101, 8 in Long Island City, and 1621 throughout New York State.
At YAI | Astoria, we understand that knowing when your child needs speech therapy can be difficult. That’s why we developed a comprehensive guide to help parents understand speech therapy and when it is recommended for autistic children. Our guide includes information on the critical period for language development, common communication skills to work on, and advice on how to help your child grow into an independent and confident individual. We also provide tips on how to recognize if your child may need speech therapy, such as difficulty responding to questions, limited or non-existent conversations, and not understanding body language. With our guide, you can feel confident that your child is receiving the best care and attention for their speech therapy needs.
At YAI | Astoria, we understand the importance of effective communication for children. Our speech therapists provide specialized interventions to help children develop their communication skills. Our speech therapists are experienced in helping children with a variety of needs, such as nonverbal communication, forming clear speech, expressing thoughts and feelings, understanding and responding to questions, interpreting facial expressions, noticing body language, and improving feeding and swallowing. We strive to provide the highest quality of services to ensure that your child is able to communicate effectively in all environments.
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